Almonds, figs and lavender, together make a perfect representation of Dalmatia on your palate. We also have to warn you not to overdo it because this combination could very easily become your new addiction. Here you have a vegan friendly recipe for the preparation of which you need to set aside only 15 minutes… and some extra for the freezing time. Our recommendation is to make this ice cream in the morning because if you do, by the sunset you might enjoy a perfect scoop of paradise in your mouth. This recipe does not require an ice cream maker, but You will need a blender.
200ml almond milk
70 g cashew nuts
6 tablespoons unscented coconut oil
200 ml whipping cream
1 tablespoon almond flavoring
½ spoons of vanilla or vanilla bean aromas
½ teaspoons of salt
4 ripe figs (you can also use dried figs)
2 tablespoons of lavender flower
Soak the cashew nuts in the water and leave them overnight. (even if they stay in the water a little longer, nothing bad will happen). In the morning - strain the cashews, put them in a blender, and add the almond milk, almond and vanilla flavor, coconut oil, whipped cream (without mixing it first) and salt. Blend until you get a smooth white cream.
Cut the figs into little pieces and leave them aside for later.
If you use an ice cream maker, pour the resulting mixture and let the ice cream maker work according to the appliance manufacturer's instructions. When you transfer the ice cream from the appliance bowl to the container which will go to the freezer, add figs and a tablespoon of lavender and just mix them lightly into the ice cream. Leave it in a freezer and in the next few hours it should be ready.
If you do not use an ice cream machine, transfer the resulting mixture to a container in which you will freeze it, and to make it easier to remove, because this process will need to be repeated twice, you can line the container with baking paper. After about 2 hours or depending on the volume of the bowl (it may need more or less). When the ice cream has hardened enough that you can cut it into small cubes the size of ice cubes, for example, take it out of the bowl, cut it and put it back in the blender. Blend briefly, return to the bowl and freeze again. Repeat this process twice, and after the second time before returning the ice cream to the freezer, stir in the fig pieces and a tablespoon of lavender.
*If you wish to have some color in your ice cream, add a few blueberries to it and watch the magic happen.
Serve it as you wish, sprinkle it with the remaining lavender, you can add bites of white chocolate, almonds, chia, raspberries.. The options are countless, play with the flavors, sit on the balcony, imagine the sound of the waves and enjoy that sunset, after all... when was the last time you did that?
Dobar Tek!